Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Should I take up/opt-in Higher Chinese?

Some parents may be making this choice now...

The 2 areas that parents should consider are:

1) Is my child interested in the language?
2) Is my child able to cope with the language studied at a higher level?

The most common mistake most parents made was that they automatically opt-in without thinking through whether Higher Chinese is really good for the child.

For children going from P4 Chinese to P5 Higher Chinese, there is actually a 2-step jump (P4 to P5; Chinese to Higher Chinese). Initially, many children may find their marks dropping and some may even fail their Higher Chinese papers. This is not totally unexpected considering the 2-step jump. Some may struggle for a while and pick up slowly and eventually be able to do well in P6. However, some may continue to do badly and even drop Higher Chinese at the end of P5.

So parents, do consider this option carefully.